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Mittwoch, 14. September 2011


Wouldn't it be nice to have a Website or a link to 'bubbly' Websites like www.bubbly.org?
You could find everything about Ballons, Chewing gum, about bathing, personallity, drinks, ideas, colour, art, design, environment on this page
something like 'freak' www.freak.org You could get information and/or links about dancing, how to dress or not to dress, horror events, movies, character, appearance, music, style, art, envirnonment on them
'misplaced' www.misplaced.org which is related to find design, Items, Thoughts, dreams
'recharged' www.getrecharged.org where you can find everything about why, how and where to relaxe and "recharge" pysically and mentally....
'Elan' www.get-elan.org which would be a website about power, energy. How to get it and what can help you. It will also show powerful Pictures or/and Elements

Well, this are just some thoughts but it would be nice to have them..................

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