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Samstag, 10. September 2011


Jan Tschichold 1902-1974

The word can be very powerful when we use them 'right'. But it is not just about the 'words' in the designing or creating process. The key is the combining of different techniques, materials and the size. It is all depending on what the artists wants to express with his piece of design. It can be in black and white or in colour.

Jan Tschichold once said that: "Typography should not express anything on it's own, but that the purpose of typography, by it's very nature, is to convey information."  

Josef Müller-Brockmann

With Typography we are transmitting information, storing information and receiving information. But it is also a very beautiful designing tool.

The beauty of Typography

The combination of Image and Type is a powerful tool.

The use and combination of different materials, colours and languages are very convincing.

Dan Deans

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